Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's all about YOUR story

As a hunter and fishermen I have become very adept at telling a story.  As with all good outdoorsmen, my stories are full of exact detail with everything from how fast my heart was racing to the very smell of the outdoors.  Many of you are probably wondering if there is a bit of exaggeration in my stories and my only response would have to be YES!!  It's not a good hunting or fishing story if some of the details are not blown up just a bit.  The truth in the matter is that there is something powerful in a story.  There is something magical that takes place when someone shares something significant that happens to them.  There is something extraordinary that takes place when a personal story is shared with all it's vigor. 

The last several weeks in our Senior High classes we've been discussing certain aspects of religion or theology that would prove the reality of God.  Whether that be the good science that lies behind God as the creator of the world or the apologetics associated with the fact that God, the Bible, and Jesus are all real.  Students need something tangible to believe.  We all desire something that we can physically hold onto that will allow our brains to believe in God.  I've come to a conclusion, it doesn't matter how logical my arguments are for a God who exists.  It doesn't matter how much proof I have for the Bible being real, accurate, and authoritative.  The truth is, if God's presence is not witnessed in my life and in my personal story those arguments hold little water.  What an unbelieving world is aching to see is not necessarily the science behind God existing but whether he exists personally to you and me.  You want to talk about something tangible, maybe our first avenue to prove God is real is to share a personal story of how God became real to you and me!

There is power in the testimony and story of how God works in your life.  Your Student and their friends would rather see the proof in YOUR story then in the science books.  Now I know that there are some really practical kids out there that need the science to prove God.  I get that and it makes sense.  Let me make an assumption, if you can prove God is real scientifically but can't show God in your personal story will your Student actually believe?  If God is washed out of your personal testimony than it negates any real proof of his reality.  Parents, take a moment and share your personal testimony of how God has been present in your life with your Student.  The story could be about a tough time or tragedy in which you saw God restore you.  Your story could be in a miracle you witnessed in your own life.  Your story MUST include how you came to faith and why you believe what you believe.  Our children need to hear your story.  They long for it.  Your story gives substance to the proof of God.  Your story may seem a bit different than mine and it's fine.  All our Stories have to revolve in the presence of God.  Go, turn off the TV, and tell your kids a story.  Tell them YOUR STORY!

1 comment:

  1. Don't know how I stumbled across this, but so glad I did. You still have the knack for saying exactly what it seems I need to hear most. Thanks Jeff.
