Thursday, September 23, 2010

I've been interrogated!

I have just gotten back from a few days spent at Abilene Christian University attending their "Summit" which most of us know as lectureships.  Basically it's 4 days of classes, worship, preaching, and general mind crunching on the latest and greatest in Ministry strategies and Biblical intrepretation.  I personally call it, returning to the "Mother Ship"!

Here, gathered in 1 spot are some of the greatest Biblical minds in all of Texas, if not the United States.  Dignified Ministers and Theologians who have more letters behind their names for all the degrees they have then I will ever hope to attain.  More Ministry experience than I and definetly more books and clout hanging on their walls then my measley office could contain.  I was hanging on basically every word as I tried to soak in the intelligence of these great speakers and teachers.  Unfortunately, sometimes I found myself more aggravated then enlightened!

One class for example really rattled my cage, which may have been a good thing.  Dr. David Wray spoke on the importance that Ministers take in the silence and solitude that comes in Ministry.  That each of us, whether full time Youth Ministers or not, should spend daily time in pray and contemplation over the word of God.  Sounds like a great idea BUT let me give you a brief run down of my morning thus far:  Woke up by 7 after getting the kids bathed and prayed over after Wednesday night Bible class.  Fixed a beautiful bowl of Fruit Loops, waffles, and Pillsbury Stroudel, for my Children as they prepared for school.  Took the trash out, replied to 7 e-mails, and 4 Text messages.  Ran to the office where I returned and van, had conversations with 2 Elders, moved tables, booked airline tickets for Honduras, and wondered why my stomach is growling at only 10:30.  The rest of my day will be class prep, mowing the yard, helping homework, cleaning kitchen, putting kids to bed, and then hoping my eyes are still open to at least look at my Bride.  WHERE IS THE TIME FOR SILENCE AND SOLITUDE AS I CONTEMPLATE SCRIPTURE.  Basically, I find it easier to hammer on the importance of solitude when you don't have 3 children, a Bride, and a full time job.

I'm a great excuse maker and those are some pretty legit excuses I must say.  Surely there has got to be a way in the chaos of life to think of God?  I can have some great talks with God in my truck sitting at a traffic light.  The children's Bible we read before going to bed can be very convicting and have nothing to do with the class I have to teach the next day.  Popping in the I-Pod and listening to a little Third Day while mowing the yard can produce some great worship, just ask my neighbors!  Ha.  I guess the point is that we need to look at God and his word and allow them to interrogate us and not the other way around.  There are lots of opportunities to see God, to be with God, and to dwell on his word without becoming a monk and taking a vow of silence.  Life is BUSY.  There is no doubt about that, but maybe we can get creative and find that time to be with God and his word.  God's word has interrogated me, how about you?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

"I can't find my..."

"I can't find my..." and you can fill in the blank.  In my world that blank would be filled with things like keys, wallets, shoes, hats, and whatever Ginea wants me to get out of the closet or pantry that I simply can't find.  It's a disease really, I can be searching for something and have it literally be inches in front of my face and yet not see it.  The next usual response is, "Hey, I still can't find...".  When Ginea hears that I'm usually greeted with some form of eyes rolling in the back of her head and immediately she steps in, grabs whatever I was looking for and I am left astounded that what I was searching for typically was right in front of me the whole time.  The most unfortunate part of this "disease" is that I have passed it down to my son.  Maybe it's just a male dominated trait but rest assured we are both afflicted.

When it comes to shoes, wallets, or keys this phenomon is not really a big deal in the large scale of life.  Unfortunately, many of us suffer from the affliction concerning God.  In times of trial, grief, or bewilderment we (often times I) pull out the "I can't find my...God" in the middle of this.  I seem to often times be searching for answers, clarity, or even just his presence and even though Scripture tells me he is right in front of me often times my blinders come into full effect and I just can't find him.  I long to know what God wants me to do, what he wants me to be, and where he wants me to go.  I need direction and often times I find it to be lacking.  In Matthew 6:33 Jesus says, "but seek first the Kingdom and his righteousness".  Well, often I'm seeking but fail in finding.  What's the problem?

This past Monday, Conner and I attended our monthly Youth Ministers meeting and there a man named Tquan Moore talked about having this same problem.  It was as if he and I are are jaded by the same disease.  He said that often times the problem is that people fail to seek the King first and that is why they can't find the Kingdom.  In other words, if I spent more time seeking a personal relationship with God and simply bathing in his presence through prayer, silence, and Bible Study then his will, desire, and presence in my life would be so clear I couldn't help but see it!  Maybe if I concentrate more on seeking the King, then the Kingdom will become more clear.  Now if only that would work for my missing shoes and hats!

Parents, discuss with your kids how you seek the King and some ways he has revealed his Kingdom to you?  Where has God's presence been in your life or when has it seemed that his presence is missing?  What can you do as a family to seek the King and then find the Kingdom?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Remember Who You Are?

It's a simple question that I ask each one of my kids before Ginea and I put them to bed in the evenings and before we drop them off at school in the mornings.  The problem with this simple question is that often times it is not all that simple!  Look at my life and yours, how many different roles do you play in a day?  Father, Husband, Wife, Mother, Student, Teacher, Lover, Mechanic, Employee, Employer, Citizen, Scape Goat, or maybe even the Chief band-aid applicator after a skinned knee!  Man, that is a lot of roles to fill.  Do you ever get so caught up in the roles of life that the desired role God has for you becomes clouded?  Who are you really, and is it who God wants you to be?

Often times my ramblings and thoughts provoke more questions then answers but maybe just maybe we need to apply the K.I.S.S. principal (Keep It Simple Silly).  Maybe we just make it too hard and we let Satan confuse who we are and who we are supposed be.  Despite whatever "role" in life you may be playing right now does your overall purpose really change?  For example, can a Student who actually does their Homework and pays attention in class be glorifying God?  Can the Mother who can magically switch from band-aid applicator to precious Bride in the fraction of an instant still be glorifying God?  Can the Father go from helping math homework to changing the oil in his old truck still be glorifying God?  The point is this, no matter who you are and what role you fill, your job is to do it to God's glory.

Romans 12:1 compels us to give our lives over to God and to live them in such a sacrifical way that it is pleasing to God and it acts as our Spiritual form of worship.  Is it possible to have band-aid application and oil changing as forms of worship?  You bet it is, it's all in matter of perspective!  Students listen in class and do their homework not because they want to be the teacher's pet but rather because they want to be people of integrity and to have their life serve as an example, THAT'S WORSHIP.  Mothers can switch those roles of Mother and Bride to accommodate the needs of both because they are so thankful for both their Husbands and their Children, THAT'S WORSHIP.  Fathers painstakingly help with homework and change the oil in their own trucks because it saves money, shows God and your family that you care for what he has given you, and because you are instilling a work ethic in your children, THAT'S WORSHIP!!!

Who are you?  You are a living and breathing example of God's masterful workmanship of worship.  Your daily activities or shout praises to him in "view of his mercy" or they do not.  Who are you?