It's a simple question that I ask each one of my kids before Ginea and I put them to bed in the evenings and before we drop them off at school in the mornings. The problem with this simple question is that often times it is not all that simple! Look at my life and yours, how many different roles do you play in a day? Father, Husband, Wife, Mother, Student, Teacher, Lover, Mechanic, Employee, Employer, Citizen, Scape Goat, or maybe even the Chief band-aid applicator after a skinned knee! Man, that is a lot of roles to fill. Do you ever get so caught up in the roles of life that the desired role God has for you becomes clouded? Who are you really, and is it who God wants you to be?
Often times my ramblings and thoughts provoke more questions then answers but maybe just maybe we need to apply the K.I.S.S. principal (Keep It Simple Silly). Maybe we just make it too hard and we let Satan confuse who we are and who we are supposed be. Despite whatever "role" in life you may be playing right now does your overall purpose really change? For example, can a Student who actually does their Homework and pays attention in class be glorifying God? Can the Mother who can magically switch from band-aid applicator to precious Bride in the fraction of an instant still be glorifying God? Can the Father go from helping math homework to changing the oil in his old truck still be glorifying God? The point is this, no matter who you are and what role you fill, your job is to do it to God's glory.
Romans 12:1 compels us to give our lives over to God and to live them in such a sacrifical way that it is pleasing to God and it acts as our Spiritual form of worship. Is it possible to have band-aid application and oil changing as forms of worship? You bet it is, it's all in matter of perspective! Students listen in class and do their homework not because they want to be the teacher's pet but rather because they want to be people of integrity and to have their life serve as an example, THAT'S WORSHIP. Mothers can switch those roles of Mother and Bride to accommodate the needs of both because they are so thankful for both their Husbands and their Children, THAT'S WORSHIP. Fathers painstakingly help with homework and change the oil in their own trucks because it saves money, shows God and your family that you care for what he has given you, and because you are instilling a work ethic in your children, THAT'S WORSHIP!!!
Who are you? You are a living and breathing example of God's masterful workmanship of worship. Your daily activities or shout praises to him in "view of his mercy" or they do not. Who are you?
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