Thursday, September 16, 2010

"I can't find my..."

"I can't find my..." and you can fill in the blank.  In my world that blank would be filled with things like keys, wallets, shoes, hats, and whatever Ginea wants me to get out of the closet or pantry that I simply can't find.  It's a disease really, I can be searching for something and have it literally be inches in front of my face and yet not see it.  The next usual response is, "Hey, I still can't find...".  When Ginea hears that I'm usually greeted with some form of eyes rolling in the back of her head and immediately she steps in, grabs whatever I was looking for and I am left astounded that what I was searching for typically was right in front of me the whole time.  The most unfortunate part of this "disease" is that I have passed it down to my son.  Maybe it's just a male dominated trait but rest assured we are both afflicted.

When it comes to shoes, wallets, or keys this phenomon is not really a big deal in the large scale of life.  Unfortunately, many of us suffer from the affliction concerning God.  In times of trial, grief, or bewilderment we (often times I) pull out the "I can't find my...God" in the middle of this.  I seem to often times be searching for answers, clarity, or even just his presence and even though Scripture tells me he is right in front of me often times my blinders come into full effect and I just can't find him.  I long to know what God wants me to do, what he wants me to be, and where he wants me to go.  I need direction and often times I find it to be lacking.  In Matthew 6:33 Jesus says, "but seek first the Kingdom and his righteousness".  Well, often I'm seeking but fail in finding.  What's the problem?

This past Monday, Conner and I attended our monthly Youth Ministers meeting and there a man named Tquan Moore talked about having this same problem.  It was as if he and I are are jaded by the same disease.  He said that often times the problem is that people fail to seek the King first and that is why they can't find the Kingdom.  In other words, if I spent more time seeking a personal relationship with God and simply bathing in his presence through prayer, silence, and Bible Study then his will, desire, and presence in my life would be so clear I couldn't help but see it!  Maybe if I concentrate more on seeking the King, then the Kingdom will become more clear.  Now if only that would work for my missing shoes and hats!

Parents, discuss with your kids how you seek the King and some ways he has revealed his Kingdom to you?  Where has God's presence been in your life or when has it seemed that his presence is missing?  What can you do as a family to seek the King and then find the Kingdom?

1 comment:

  1. I think as a kid it was easier to emerse myself in creating a relationship with God through prayer, silence, and bible study. As an adult the reasons "I can't find...God" become greater and greater. This earthly life gets in the way. I want these things, the prayer, silence, and bible studies to be easy tasks in my life. As newlyweds we hope to start a family soon and I want to be in that place, where I can bathe in God's presence. Matt and I are making that our goal, to take time to pray, study and be silent to find God. Maybe God can help me find my sunglasses while we're at it....:p
